“Spirit can be known only by spirit – God’s Spirit and our spirits in open communion. Spiritually alive, we have access to everything God’s Spirit is doing.” (1 Cor 2:15 MSG)
The way to God isn’t closed. We who have trusted the Lord Jesus – his death and resurrection – have the way opened to us. We now have His Spirit dwelling within us; we know we can have “open communion” with Him. This is astonishing good news, for we have access not only to His love, mercy and forgiveness, but also we are spiritually alive and have access to what He’s doing, the movements of His Spirit.
As we listen, as we stay aware by faith, the movements of His Spirit are welcomed by us, known to us. Do we need wisdom and guidance? We have access. Do we need help of any kind? We have access. Do we need forgiveness and freedom, healing in our emotional health? We have access. He has opened the way.
By definition access is a means of approaching or entering, obtaining and retrieving. Because we have been reconciled to God through Christ, “we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand” (Rom. 5:2, 10-11). Everything He is has been made available to us to enter into by faith through grace. He will fill us in every way.
We have been invited to come boldly to His throne of mercy to find grace in our need (Heb. 4:16). We can come near and approach Him with great confidence; the way is not barred. A throne of grace is open and we can joyously take full advantage!